zambia @60

Improved Rural Connectivity Project (IRCP)

The Government of the Republic of Zambia has contracted a credit of Two Hundred Million United States Dollars (US$200 million) from the World Bank to facilitate the rehabilitation and maintenance of selected rural roads across the country under the “Improved Rural Connectivity Project (IRCP)”.
The project has two components, the first being for the actual works of rehabilitation and maintenance of roads, and the second being for Institutional capacity building to the Road Sector Player Institutions.

The project will be implemented in six (6) out of ten (10) Provinces which include Central, Eastern, Luapula, Northern, Muchinga and Southern Provinces. The Scope and duration of the project, which included rehabilitation and maintenance for 5 years; 2 years rehabilitation and 3 years for maintenance. However, within the selected Provinces, the works will be carried out in selected Districts using the same criteria used in identifying the Provinces.

The criteria included economical and connecting roads, hence rural connectivity.  Within the selected roads, bridges will be worked on as well as other economic support structures such as agricultural shades, water dams, market for the agricultural produce, communication tower; all to be determined by the community which may vary from community to community.